The immeasurable value of our natural and renewable leather

We have always relied on the Italian tanning industry that can be defined as model of sustainability. In fact, it adopts material derived from food waste, transforming it into a product that became a symbol of quality and excellence. Our mission focuses on the true value of the leather that from waste is transformed into a durable asset, and then in top quality products. We want you to know that we are here to ensure as much circularity as possible, to set a good example and to preserve our future.


Malaigia S.R.L. born from the intuition of the Malaigia Luigi and Manfredo brothers in 1978 in Monte Urano, in the heart of the Central Italy shoe district. Passion and dedication have led in a few years to expand customers, markets and articles. For this reason it has become necessary to create a new structure that is more suitable for new needs. In 1995 the new building was inaugurated, which is still the company’s headquarters. Although increasingly open to international markets and constantly focusing on quality and service, the company has always wanted to maintain a family management in order to have a direct relationship with the customer to meet and offer a “tailoring” service.

An accurate leather selection is decisive moment for the realization of every leather goods, in fact this aspect gives rise to the on the most prestigious footwear creations for men, women and children. We personally select and choose the best Italian leathers, ready to be transformed into objects of great quality and value. The symbol of the Italian tradition


The quality of Italian leathers is recognized all over the world. We offer a wide range of bovine hides of excellent quality and exclusively Italian production,the result of careful selection and accurate choice.

Durability, resistance and softness are some of the peculiarities of our products, tanned entirely according to Italian tradition, which guarantee excellent quality standards.


Environmental protection has always been a prerogative of all our activities. All items offered are processed in Italy and produced in compliance with EEC regulations on chemicals and in accordance with eco-friendly and REACH requirements.


La certificazione LWG (Leather Working Group) premia le aziende dell’industria manifatturiera della pelle nel panorama internazionale che gestiscono le proprie attività di produzione nell’ottica di migliorare l’impatto sull’ambiente. Un riconoscimento di grande valore per la nostra azienda che permette di valutare e certificare le prestazioni ambientali dei nostri impianti e confermare il nostro impegno nella salvaguardia del futuro del nostro pianeta.

REACH is an integrated regulation for the registration, evaluation and authorization of chemicals, which aims both to ensure a higher level of protection of human health and the environment, and to maintain and strengthen the competitiveness and innovative capabilities of the European chemical industry.

For these reasons we have created articles tanned in WET WHITE" that means tanned without the use of chromium and heavy metals in order to ensure maximum respect for the skin and human health. Products that are more "natural" in appearance and coloration. Certifications are also available for IDRO products such as Runner."

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Tel: +39 (0)734 840607

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